Module Mehari_lwt_unix

An IO module Mehari implementation for Unix and Windows using Lwt. Contains also extra features based on Unix filesystem such as CGI.


include Mehari_mirage.S with type addr = Ipaddr.t
module IO = Lwt
type stack

TCP/IP stack.


include Mehari.NET with module IO := IO and type addr = Ipaddr.t and type clock := unit with type addr = Ipaddr.t
type addr = Ipaddr.t

Type for IP address.

type route

Routes tell router which handler to select for each request. See Routing.

type rate_limiter

Rate limiter. See Rate limit.

Middlewares take a handler, and run some code before or after — producing a “bigger” handler. See Middleware.


val no_middleware : middleware

Does nothing but call its inner handler. Useful for disabling middleware conditionally during application startup:

if development then
val pipeline : middleware list -> middleware

Combines a list of middlewares into one, such that these two lines are equivalent: Mehari.pipeline [ mw1 ; mw2 ] @@ handler mw1 @@ mw2 @@ handler.


val router : route list -> addr Mehari.request -> Mehari.response IO.t

Creates a router. If none of the routes match the Mehari.request, the router returns Mehari.not_found.

val route : ?rate_limit:rate_limiter -> ?mw:middleware -> ?regex:bool -> string -> (addr Mehari.request -> Mehari.response IO.t) -> route

route ~rate_limit ~mw ~regex path handler forwards requests for path to handler. path can be a string literal or a regex in Perl style depending of value of regex. If rate limit is in effect, handler is not executed and a respond with Mehari.status Mehari.slow_down is sended.

val scope : ?rate_limit:rate_limiter -> ?mw:middleware -> string -> route list -> route

scope ~rate_limit ~mw prefix routes groups routes under the path prefix, rate_limit and mw.

val no_route : route

A dummy value of type route that is completely ignored by the router. Useful for disabling routes conditionally during application start.

Rate limit

Virtual hosting

val virtual_hosts : ?meth:[ `ByURL | `SNI ] -> (string * (addr Mehari.request -> Mehari.response IO.t)) list -> addr Mehari.request -> Mehari.response IO.t

virtual_hosts ?meth [(domain, handler); ...] produces a handler which enables virtual hosting at the TLS-layer using SNI.

  • meth can be used to choose which source to match the hostnames against. Defaults to `SNI.


val set_log_lvl : Logs.level -> unit

Set Mehari's logger to the given log level.

val debug : 'a Logs.log
val info : 'a Logs.log
val warning : 'a Logs.log
val error : 'a Logs.log

Rate limit

val make_rate_limit : ?period:int -> int -> [ `Second | `Minute | `Hour | `Day ] -> rate_limiter

Same as Mehari.NET.make_rate_limit but without the required trailing unit parameter.


val logger : {handler}3 -> {handler}3

Same as Mehari.NET.logger but without the required trailing unit parameter.


val respond : 'a Mehari.status -> 'a -> Mehari.response IO.t

Same as Mehari.response, but the new Mehari.response is wrapped in a promise.

val respond_body : Mehari.body -> Mehari.mime -> Mehari.response IO.t

Same as respond but respond with given Mehari.body and use given Mehari.mime as mime type.

val respond_text : string -> Mehari.response IO.t

Same as respond but respond with given text and use text/plain as Mehari.mime type.

val respond_gemtext : ?charset:string -> ?lang:string list -> Mehari.Gemtext.t -> Mehari.response IO.t

Same as respond but respond with given Mehari.Gemtext.t and use text/gemini as Mehari.mime type.

val respond_raw : [ `Body of string | `Full of int * string * string ] -> Mehari.response IO.t

Same as Mehari.response_raw, but the new Mehari.response is wrapped in a promise.

Entry point

include Mehari.FS with module IO := IO and type addr := addr and type dir_path := string

Static files

val response_document : ?mime:Mehari.mime -> string -> Mehari.response IO.t

Same as Mehari.response but respond with content of given filename and use given Mehari.mime as mime type. If filename is not present on filesystem, responds with Mehari.not_found. If mime parameter is not supplied, use Mehari.no_mime as mime type.

val static : ?handler:(string -> handler) -> ?dir_listing: (([ `Regular_file | `Directory | `Other ] * string) list -> handler) -> ?index:string -> ?show_hidden:bool -> string -> handler

static dir validates the path parameter (retrieved by calling Mehari.param req 1) by checking that it is relative and does not contain parent directory references. If these checks fail, responds with Mehari.not_found.

If the checks succeed, static calls handler path request, where path is the path generated by the concatenation of directory that was passed to static and path of request. handler defaults to response_document.

If a directory is requested, static will look for a file named index in that directory to return. Otherwise, a directory file listing will be generated by calling dir_listing [ filename; ... ] request. index is default on index.gmi.

show_hidden decides whether hidden files should be listed. It defaults to false for security reasons.


Mehari supports CGI scripting as described in RFC 3875

The CGI script must write the gemini response to the stdout stream. Status code and meta string on the first line, and the optional response body on subsequent lines. The bytes generated by the CGI script will be forwarded verbatim to the Gemini client, without any additional modification by the server.

Environment Variables

Some variables are empty for compatibility with other CGI script.

Let's say that the url requested is gemini://localhost/cgi/foo.cgi?input:

val run_cgi : ?timeout:float -> ?nph:bool -> string -> addr Mehari.request -> Mehari.response Lwt.t

run_cgi ?timeout ?nph script_path req executes the given file as a CGI script and return a Mehari.response based on bytes printed on stdout by script. Responds with Mehari.cgi_error in case of error or timeout exceeding.

  • timeout defaults to 5.0.
  • nph decides if NPH (Non-Parsed Header) is enable. Defaults to false.

Entry point

val run_lwt : ?port:int -> ?verify_url_host:bool -> ?config:Tls.Config.server -> ?timeout:float -> certchains:Tls.Config.certchain list -> ?v4:Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.t -> ?v6:Ipaddr.V6.Prefix.t -> handler -> unit Lwt.t
val run : ?port:int -> ?verify_url_host:bool -> ?config:Tls.Config.server -> ?timeout:float -> certchains:Tls.Config.certchain list -> ?v4:Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.t -> ?v6:Ipaddr.V6.Prefix.t -> handler -> unit

Like run_lwt but calls internally.